AMP Per-Cycle Pause

Today, I'm releasing yet another new version of AMP (version 1.28 if you're keeping count).

It's main reason for existence is that it contains a new feature: you have been able to get AMP to do multiple 'cycles' of play since the very earliest versions, by setting the --selections=x run-time parameter. Replace 'x' with 2, for example, and AMP will randomly select one piece of music to play, play it from start to finish, then pick a second piece of music and play it from start to finish, and only then stop playing anything further. [...] 

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Another AMP Release

Just a day or two after the last one, there's a new AMP release (version 1.27). I am heroically trying to reduce the rate of version releases, I hasten to add! But if I come across a bug that needs fixing, my hands are rather tied to making the fixes available as soon as possible!

Sure enough, whilst this releases introduces a useful new feature, it also fixes a quite significant bug I just encountered. [...] 

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The Loudness Wars...

Just a quick note to report that I've just released a couple of software fixes related to the problem of sub-optimal loudness levels in music files ripped from CDs or other sources.

Firstly, MAXV has been bumped to version 1.08, because of the addition of a tiny bux-fix that stops the grep utility sometimes thinking that what it's being asked for is a binary file rather than a text file. It's not a major deal, and if you choose not to upgrade, you probably won't be missing out on much, as the bug raises its head only exceptionally rarely. But, it's there if you want it. Run maxv --checkver to get it. [...] 

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AMP Version 1.26 Released

Just a quick note to mention that I've today released a new version of AMP: version 1.26.

The new version contains a couple of new features, rather than any bug-fixes (for once!). Firstly, I've increased the maximum time-bar for a composer to 999 hours (up from the previous maximum of just 9 hours). That's approximately 42 days, so by running amp --timebar=999, you are effectively saying 'don't randomly select a composer for a new play that has previously had anything played within the past month or so'. Added as a new feature largely because I kept being offered Beethoven things to play and there's only so much Beethoven a man can take one month at a time! [...] 

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