Giocoso Version 3.08 Released

A tiny enhancement (or, possibly, a bug-fix... I can't quite decide which!) has been made to Giocoso and its version bumps to 3.08 as a result.

The fix is that during playback, Giocoso would display a tiny and mostly-inconspicuous cursor marker somewhere along the bottom-right of the program display. Now it doesn't. Details, such as they are, are in the changelog[...] 

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Semplice Version 2.01 Released

As previously promised, an upgrade release of Semplice Version 2 has now been made available. It fixes the issue whereby several distros now appear to be shipping Version 7 of ImageMagick (the image manipulation program) rather than the Version 6 that was being shipped on all distros when Semplice Version 2 first shipped. If you try issuing Version 6 commands when you have Version 7 of ImageMagick installed, you get ugly warnings about 'convert is deprecated in IM7'.

Since it's not entirely clear to me which distros have decided to run with ImageMagick 7 and which have chosen to stick with ImageMagick 6, I've had to add code to Semplice which works out what version is installed and then use the appropriate image editing commands accordingly. [...] 

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