1.0 Introduction
The main SACD Ripping article describes me achieving things with a Sony S490 Blu-ray player. It happens to be cheap and widely available on the likes of EBay. Obviously, however, different hardware will need different approaches... and I simply don't have the resources to test every Blu-ray player in existence! I am therefore extremely grateful to Scott Starry for writing in with his instructions on how to do the SACD ripping dance using (in his case) a Sony BDP-S390 player. I obviously can't vouch for what he writes from personal experience, but I trust his ability to document, so his insight is offered here, verbatim, to assist you if you happen to be using that player, too. Note that Scott appears to be using Windows as his main operating system -which is entirely fine, but you need to keep that in mind.
2.0 Latest platform releases
- https://github.com/sacd-ripper/sacd-ripper/releases
Personal settings:
- IP address is fixed at
- Netmask:
- Gateway:
- DNS:
3.0 Instructions
Configure settings on Sony BDP-S390 and the USB thumb drive as per instructions in Sections 2 through 4 of https://absolutelybaching.com/music-articles/how-to-rip-an-sacd/
NOTE: Be patient with all operations. The unit is slow to respond and has no indicator lights other than connected to power.
After that:
- Connect Sony BDP-S390 to LAN.
- Plug unit into receptacle.
- Press power button. Wait at least 15 seconds.
- Press button to open drawer. May require more than one press.
- Place SACD in drawer.
- Insert USB thumb drive labeled SACD USB into the USB-A slot on the front. (There is only one USB-A slot.)
- Wait for the drawer to close and listen for the transport to stop. If in doubt, wait 20 seconds.
- Press the power button to place the Blu-ray player into "Sleep Mode."
- On a Windows 11 computer, open a command window and ensure that the player is reachable by using the command:
ping <IP address>
For example, ping One should obtain the usual type of reply:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
- In the same (or another) command window, using the software from sacd_extract, review the information on the SACD so that one may confirm the that the SACD can be read. Use the command:sacd_extract[.exe] -i <IP address>:2002 -P(The brackets [] indicate that on Windows, the extension of the executable should be included.)
One will see the title of the SACD, the Disc, the Album (often the same as the Disc), the Area Count (greater than one if more than one work is on the Album), information about the Tracks (under each Area). - In the same (or another) command window, using the sacd_extract software, issue the either of the following commands:sacd_extract[.exe] -s -2 -z -i <IP address>:2002 -o <folder to hold the DSF files>
sacd_extract[.exe] -I -2 -z -i <IP address>:2002 -o <folder to hold the ISO file>Upon issuing the command, one should hear the transport activate. Several seconds will pass (usually five) before one will see messages of the form (for an ISO):Processing [<folder>\<album>.iso] (n/m)..
Completed: a% (bMB), Total: x% (yMB) at zMB/sec...where n, m, a, and x are integers, and b, y, and z are floating point values.
CAUTION: If the process does not start for some reason after the sacd_extract command has been issued, and you use CTRL+C or simply close the window, you may cause your local network to fail. To recover, disconnect the Ethernet cable from the BDP-S390. The network should recover within seconds. I have not found an explanation for this behaviour.
- Wait. The preferred DSF file extraction usually takes about five (5) minutes, no more than ten (10). An ISO rip may take 25 minutes, but 15 is more common as the SACDs are often not full. My ISO rips reported a rate of 2.9 MB/s and measured at 3.2 MB/s.
- Press the button to open the tray, and remove the SACD.
- Press the button to close the tray. Note: The tray may close on its own.
- Unplug the unit and remove the USB stick.
- If another SACD is to be ripped, do not disconnect the Ethernet cable; otherwise, disconnect the cable and put the BDP-S390 away.
To rip another SACD, start again at Step 2. Note: The BDP-S390 is a "one-hit wonder": It can only rip one SACD before needing to be rebooted. However, as long as the tray is not opened, several sacd_extract commands can be issued against the same SACD such as using the options -P (information), -s (generate DSF files), and -I (generate ISO file).