Mozart Music Catalogue : Sources

At various points, the catalogue of works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart may mention various third-party sources of information, usually by abbreviated name. Those sources are:

  • MJB = Mozart-Jahrbuch
  • MISM = Mitteilungen der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum
  • NMA = Neue Mozart-Ausgabe; editor and year .
  • NMA Crit Rep = Critical Report issues of NMA volumes
  • Entered in work catalogue = Mozart's Thematic Catalogue: A facsimile, edited by Tyson and Rosenthal, published 1991.
  • Konrad-Schaffensweise 1992 = Ulrich Konrad's book Mozart’s Schaffensweise: Studien Zu Den Werkautographen, Skizzen Und Entwurfen (Veroffentlichungen Des Max-planck-instituts Fur Geschichte)
  • Mozart Studies 1991 = Cliff Eisen's book Mozart Studies
  • Plath-MJB 1970/71 =Wolfgang Plath's article "Zur Echtheitsfrage bei Mozart" in 1970/71 Mozart-Jahrbuch
  • Plath-MJB 1976/77 = Wolfgang Plath's article "Beiträge zur Mozart-Autographie II in Schriftchronologie 1770-1780" in 1976/77 Mozart-Jahrbuch
  • Tyson-NMA 1992 = Watermarks Issue of NMA edited by Alan Tyson
  • Tyson-Auto Scores 1987 = Alan Tyson's book Mozart Studies of the Autograph Scores
  • Zaslaw Symphonies 1989 = Neal Zaslaw's book Mozart's Symphonies; Context, Performance, Practice, Reception
  • Zaslaw Compleat 1991 = Neal Zaslaw's book The Compleat Mozart – A Guide to the Musical Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart