Howard Hanson

The only composer in my collection to have been born in a town called 'Wahoo', which sounds cheery enough! (It's in Nebraska, and he was born in 1896). He was first and foremost a music educator (he was appointed director of the Eastman School in 1924 and retained the post until 1964), but also conducted (from 1924 onwards). He was highly regarded as a conductor by none other than Koussevitsky, who often asked him to conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra. As a composer, he's usually regarded as 'neo-Romantic', with inspiration drawn from the likes of Grieg and Sibelius (which basically means, he sounds 'nice'). The New Groves says of his music that it is full of "rythmic vitality and tonal richness, touched with gaiety and humour".

My edition of Groves was published in 1980, which is why Hanson is listed within it as still very much alive. He died in Rochester, New York, in February 1981.


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Music Plays from my collection
(since January 9th 2021)

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Date of PlayTime of PlayGenreCompositionLengthPlay Count