News from Nowhere

We bought our current house in April/May 2023. It's been a slow slog since then: solar panels, new roof on the conservatory, new flooring throughout. One room remains to be tackled downstairs (upstairs gets dealt with next March!): the music listening room, otherwise known as the Holy of Holies, my Utopia, and Sanctuary!!

This week the plasterer was due, and then cancelled, and is now due next week (typical Lincolnshire, really). Which meant the listening equipment was removed from the room, then moved back, though not necessarily to the same places from whence they had come 🙂 Hopefully, next week (sometime) will be the charm...

Meanwhile, a rather good greetings card shop in the nearest town is owned by someone whose father was wanting to get back into the furniture-making game and a commission of two enormous and sturdy bookcases was swiftly placed. The bookcases arrived last Wednesday and, though not able to be housed in their final destination because the plasterer was due, look magnificently tank-like! They should be able to house my music scores without warping over time, I think.

Anyway: I don't yet have pictures because things are just on the verge of getting sorted and there's no point in showing a precipice before the leap is made. Let's wait until the leap is complete, huh?!

A decision in an entirely different direction has been made, however. I mentioned last time that I had considered making the next release of Giocoso Version 4.0, but had decided against it. These things are a bit arbitrary, I suppose, but there's been no fundamental change to the architecture or concepts underpinning Giocoso, so a big number jump seemed unwarranted. I have decided, however, that a jump from the current Version 3.12 to Version 3.20 is warranted. The ability to do in-situ playback control is a game-changer and, I felt, warranted the smaller number bump. So: in a couple of weeks, I'll be announcing the release of Giocoso 3.20... assuming the music listening room gets complete enough for long enough. Fingers crossed it all gets done by Christmas, anyway! I've gone back and updated the last post with references to Version 3.20, anyway.