Concertos of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This is an extract from the complete Mozart catalogue, detailing only those works which are concerti in one form or another. All items on the list have been completely catalogued and their DZ numbers are therefore finalised and definitive.

Note that Horn Concerto No. 1 has a complex cataloguing history and appears under two different numbers (DZ 03033 and DZ 03034). DZ 03033 refers to the entire concerto in its Süßmayr-completed state; DZ 03034 refers only to the second movement which Mozart left in sketch form and which Süßmayr's completed.

Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :
Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :

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