Keyboard works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This is an extract from the complete Mozart catalogue, detailing only those works classed as being for solo keyboard instrument -whether that be piano, organ, harpsichord or similar. (Note that a piano duo is also classed as a keyboard work, even though it's not strictly a solo keyboard work).

Cataloguing of these items is now complete and the Dizwell number assignments are therefore final.

The treatment of Mozart's earliest works is a little problematic: if the first six items (from Nannerl's Notebook) are listed individually, for example, why should the 43 items from the London Sketchbook be listed as a single item? I'm not sure there is a rigorous answer to that, other than the practical one: a list of 6 things is easier to navigate and comprehend than a long list of 43, especially as you are unlikely ever to want to listen to a single and particular piece from the 43 on its own! Similar problems affect the end of the list: the single prelude numbered DZ 06081 is actually the first of about 30+ preludes, cadenzas and introductions that are variously catalogued in the K⁶ edition of Köchel as 626a. I've made no attempt to catalogue all those necessarily fragmentary pieces as separate works: the one listing entry must therefore stand duty for them all.

Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :
Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :

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