Giocoso Version 3.11 Released

As promised last time, a new version of Giocoso has just been released, bringing its version number up to 3.11.

It's a relatively significant update, especially as it introduces a new configuration parameter which may not be set to the value you'd prefer. Specifically, a parameter called 'Automatically launch Mgiocoso Control Panel' has been added and it defaults to a 'yes' value. It means that by launching Giocoso, you'll also trigger the automatic launch of the standalone mgiocoso controller window. If you'd prefer that not to happen, you need to use the Administration menu, Option 3 to edit your configuration file. Find the page for 'Parameters requiring yes/no answers' and look to the bottom of the page:

Type in 'no' if you want the new feature not to happen.

The other key features of the new release are spelled out in detail in the Changelog notes for it. Probably the most useful one for some people will be the addition of the new 'K' option on the Play Music menu. That rekalls the immediately-prior advanced SQL statement you have typed in using the Option 4 - Play music by advanced SQL selection. Your last SQL statement is then loaded into the usual SQL submission form, where it can be edited or re-submitted as-is. I find it a handy way to get a complex query re-loaded and slightly tweaked to yield a different set of music plays for the day.

Finally, continuing the theme of Giocoso users who are dab hands at typing in SQL, the Reporting menu has acquired a new option: the 'B' key. Tapping this now launches the Sqlitebrowser program (if it's installed on your system) and automatically opens the currently-in-use database within it. Handy for anyone who wants to peruse their Giocoso database data in a GUI setting, I think. However: be aware that Sqlitebrowser opens the Giocoso database in full read-write mode, so it's possible to do a lot of damage unless you know what you're doing. Use with care... but if you are a bit of database guru, it is a little extra dollop of convenience to be able to open the database without having to hunt-and-peck your way around your file system first!

Note that the ability to launch Sqlitebrowser doesn't mean Giocoso does anything to install it for you: it's not a dependency. If Sqlitebrowser isn't installed, you can tap the 'B' key until the cows come home and, simply, nothing at all will happen. How you install it yourself is probably best explained by visiting the program's own website. For most distros, the program will be in the standard repositories and can be installed using the standard package manager for your distro (so, on Debian it's a simple sudo apt install sqlitebrowser, for example), but read the detailed installation notes provided to make sure what you're supposed to do.

As ever, upgrading to the new version is a simple matter of launching Giocoso, going to the Administration menu and taking Option 4 - Check for program updates. Supply the sudo password when prompted. Once the update is complete, quit Giocoso and ignore any errors that appear as you exit. Re-launch the program after that... and check that your program header area mentions 'Version 3.11'. Job done!

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