1.0 Introduction
Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian and thus the Niente installation on the one goes about as well as you'd expect on the other: Ubuntu is, in fact, an excellent Niente host. There are no particular dramas and everything works as intended after it completes. I've tested it on Ubuntu 23.10 and 22.04, but assume it should work equally well on any other vaguely recent version, too.
For this article, I'm using Ubuntu 23.10 with its default Gnome-based desktop environment, but Niente doesn't particularly care what desktop environment you use, so I imagine it works just fine on similar 'flavours' of Ubuntu, such as Kubuntu, Lubuntu and so on.
As with all these installation articles, I assume a fresh, default installation of the underlying operating system. I always assume, however, that any installer-provided options to install third-party programs, drivers or audio codec support are taken: not that it makes any difference to the way Niente works, but I just like to be clear on what my working assumptions are 🙂