Music Play History

The question of what music I've listened to, how often and when can now be answered easily, thanks to the fact that my music player, Giocoso, stores details of its most recent 'plays' every time it finishes playing something. That data is then uploaded to this website every 15 minutes (at 0, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour). The most recent plays are listed first, but click on any of the columns in the report to sort by that data in either ascending or descending order (repeated clicks toggles the sort order). Each composer name mentioned can be clicked to take you to the biography and music plays page for that specific composer.

This page displays my play history in a rolling window of the past twelve months. If you'd like to see what I was playing before that, click here.

Date of PlayTime of PlayComposerCompositionGenreLengthPlay Count
Date of PlayTime of PlayComposerCompositionGenreLengthPlay Count