This data is updated every 15 minutes (at 0, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour)
Duration of Plays by Composer (in Hours)
This page lists the same data ordered by duration
Top Fifteen Composers by Length of Plays (in Hours)
Music Plays by Genre
Play Counts per Year
(NB: A 'count' is of a complete work, not per-track;
See this page for an explanation of where the data from before 2021 comes from;
Post-2021 data comes from Giocoso's own data store)
Proportion of Recordings not yet Played in Giocoso/AMP
(1000 day rolling window; graph updates once, at 11:58pm, each day;
Percentages can go up because of new acquisitions;
New definition of 'unplayed' employed from 28th January 2025)
Number of unique Recordings in the Collection, over time
(1000 day rolling window, starting November 11th 2021;
Graph updates once, at 11:58pm, each day.
Upward movements indicate new acquisitions; Downwards indicates disposals!)
Number of 'Virtual CDs' in the Collection, over time
(1000 day rolling window, starting November 11th 2021;
Graph updates once, at 11:58pm, each day.
A virtual CD is considered to last for 68 minutes.
If 1 physical CD contains 15 different compositions, adding it to the collection makes the previous graph go up by 15, but this one by 1;
conversely, if I add a single 4-hour opera to the collection, the previous graph will go up by 1, but this one by 3 or 4)
Time of Day and Count of Plays over the past 60 days
(60 day rolling window;
Each segment represents one hour time segment.
Hover over segment to see hour:count-of-plays data.)