Semplice Version 2.03 Released

It's only been a week since version 2.02 of Semplice was released, but today I've released yet-another-new version: 2.03.

The new version contains two small enhancements, which I describe in the Changelog, but which can be summarised as 'SuperFLACs get automatically cleaned when first created' and 'More information is provided when performing volume boosts on FLACs'.

Neither is particularly a show-stopper, but I'd always encourage you to be on the latest version of the software anyway! Upgrading is simply a matter of taking the Miscellaneous menu, Option 3 and then following the prompts (in particular, to provide your sudo password).

If you are paying attention to my graph of the number of unique recordings in my music collection, over time (as found on the Listening Analysis -> Graphs All Time page), you may notice a significant up-tick in the count of recordings since about the middle of July 2024. That's simply because I'm finally working my way through the enormous backlog of CDs purchased and ripped but not yet catalogued. At the last count, there was 771GB of music to catalogue and add to the collection, which is about 1,100 CDs (approximately, as I can't be bothered to count them physically!)

Naturally, cataloguing music requires the use of both Semplice (to do it) and Niente (to check it's been done correctly), so these programs of mine are finally getting a really hard work-out. It's reasonably likely that a number of little enhancements, fixes and improvements in the workflow of each program may come out of this increased familiarity with the practical use of these programs. In particular, I'm currently dog-fooding the newest Version 4 of Niente, which I'll be releasing soon.

Watch this space, therefore!

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