1.0 Introduction
The upgrade to Giocoso Version 3.30 cannot be made by taking the program's own Administration menu, Option 1, because the new version contains multiple files which the old version's upgrade process wouldn't know to download. You'd therefore be left with half a program and most of it won't work correctly if you tried. Therefore, upgrading to Version 3.30 from any prior version of Giocoso involves downloading a special upgrade script and running it.
2.0 Precautionary Backup
Before doing even that, however, you're strongly advised to take a precautionary backup of your existing Giocoso installation, using the following terminal commands:
mkdir $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso && cp -r $HOME/.local/share/giocoso3/* $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso
cp /usr/bin/giocoso3.sh $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso
cp /usr/bin/mgiocoso3.sh $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso
Should you ever need to, restoring your old version of Giocoso would then consist of running this sequence of commands:
rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/giocoso3
cp -r $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso $HOME/.local/share/giocoso3
sudo mv $HOME/.local/share/giocoso3 /usr/bin
sudo mv $HOME/.local/share/mgiocoso3 /usr/bin
However, if you're happy with continuing to run the new version, you can eventually dispose of this precautionary backup with the command:
rm -rf $HOME/Desktop/BackupGiocoso
Note that taking this precautionary backup is not strictly necessary, in the sense that I've tested upgrading to version 3.30 from version 3.20 on every distro Giocoso claims to support (see this page for a table of what distros those are) and every upgrade has gone without incident. However, it is a truism that you never know if you'll need a backup until the moment you don't have one, so I'd recommend taking one, just in case! At the very least, make sure you've taken a backup of your music database (which can be done more simply using the Database Management menu, Option 6).
3.0 Performing the Upgrade
With your backups performed, you upgrade to Giocoso Version 3.30 by opening a new terminal window and typing:
wget doco.absolutelybaching.com/upgrade330
bash upgrade330
Doing that triggers the display of this:
You are asked if you wish to proceed. You can tab around to the 'No' option here and decline the upgrade:
As the message says, declining the upgrade will mean absolutely nothing about your existing Giocoso installation changes. Press [Enter] at this point and you'll be returned to the command line.
Assuming you say 'Yes' to the offer to upgrade, however, this will happen:
You will immediately be prompted to supply your own sudo password, so that your account can acquire necessary root privileges. Once you type that in correctly, the upgrade process proceeds:
Each dot displayed represents one of Giocoso's component files being downloaded. Once they're all safely on disk, they are checked for internal integrity:
If this check fails, you'll be prompted to re-download the component files. But if the check passes, you'll see this confirmation message:
When you press [Enter] to dismiss this message, one further check is performed on your system, to see whether or not the MySQL or MariaDB database client software is present on your system. Many distros include it by default, in which case you'll see this message:
If your particular system does not have that client software already installed, however, you'll see this message instead:
You can press [Enter] to dismiss this message, too: but note that unless you take its advice to install the relevant client software, you won't be able to successfully switch on any of the new Giocoso Pro features. The next section explains how to manually install the relevant client software on the key 'parent' distros you might be using.
4.0 Manually Installing the MariaDB Client Software
Each distro installs the MySQL/MariaDB client software with its own particular choice of syntax and package name, as follows:
- Arch: sudo pacman -S mariadb
- Debian: sudo apt install mariadb-client
- Ubuntu: sudo apt install mariadb-client
- Fedora: sudo dnf install mariadb
- OpenSuse: sudo zypper install mariadb-client
Distros like Zorin, Tuxedo, Linux Mint and so on follow the same installation rules as their 'parent' distro (i.e., Garuda Linux is a derivative of Arch, so the Arch instructions apply; Linux Mint is a derivative of Ubuntu, so the Ubuntu instructions apply [unless it's Linux Mint Debian Edition, of course!], and so on).
For the avoidance of doubt, most distros these days regard MariaDB and MySQL as synonymous, and Giocoso Pro has accordingly been written to connect to either database, provided the client and server are consistent. That is, a MariaDB client will connect to a MariaDB server correctly; and a MySQL client will connect to a MySQL database. But you should not mix client and server products. See this page for further details on that particular issue and for advice on how to install 'proper' MySQL software if you prefer that to the MariaDB substitute.
5.0 Building a Giocoso Pro Server
If you want to make use of the new Giocoso Pro features in the new Version 3.30 release, you'll need to have network access to a remote Giocoso Pro Server. Instructions for how to build such a server are contained within the Giocoso user manual.
6.0 Switching on Giocoso Pro Features
Once the upgrade to Version 3.30 is complete, and a Giocoso Pro Server has been built, you can switch on Giocoso Pro features by taking the Administration menu, Option 2: Create or Edit the configuration file. The 'switch on' is accomplished by filling in the IP address of the remote Giocoso Pro Server:
Once this local copy of Giocoso knows to talk (in my case) to, the IP address of my Giocoso Pro Server, Pro features in the local copy of Giocoso will be unlocked.
You need to read the Giocoso Pro Concepts document to fully understand the significance of the other MySQL-labelled options here, too.
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