Vocal Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This is an extract from the complete Mozart catalogue, detailing only those works classed as being for solo vocalist (or for non-choral but multi-vocalist pieces). The listing is finalised and the assigned Dizwell numbers are thus now definitive.

Many 'vocal' works are really operatic arias, duets, trios or similar, though not part of a complete opera as such. Where this is very obviously the case, I have catalogued such works in the "05 - Operas" thematic section. See, for example, DZ 05018. Where the piece lacks dramatic narrative or force, I have retained it in this "08 - Vocal" section. The distinction is, perhaps, subjective in nature -but I'm sticking with it!

Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :
Dizwell #K⁶WorknameWork KeyShort NotesDate Composed : Incipit : Excerpt : Long Notes : Owned :

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