Semplice Version 2.08 Released

As promised, Version 2.08 of Semplice has just been released. It is a relatively minor release, containing a few bug fixes, some minor enhancements and the ability to work with AIFF audio files. The Changelog has the details, as usual.

These improvements were made possible by a huge amount of input and bug-hunting on the part of one of my readers: thank you, again, Scott!

The upgrade is done by taking the Miscellaneous menu, Option 3. Type your sudo password when prompted and then let it all occur automatically thereafter!

Giocoso Version 3.30 moves on at speed: the projected March 10th release date is looking plausible, put it that way 🙂 Scott then has a veritable tome of suggestions for me to work through on Niente... no rest for the wicked, I guess!


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