Down for Maintenance - Advanced Notice

This weekend, I hope to move this website from its current virtual machine host onto a dedicated physical server. The aim is to improve the speed and responsiveness of the site: though the virtual machine it's currently running on is generously provisioned with RAM and virtual CPUs, I think the site 'sticks' for longer intervals than I'm entirely comfortable with. Hopefully, on a reasonably powerful physical server that is also generously provisioned, things should be more fluid and performant.

Unfortunately, transferring to a new machine means there will be an interval when the old virtual machine goes down before the new physical server can take its place. Potentially, that interval could be in the order of a few hours. The site will be completely inaccessible for those hours. My apologies for that in advance. Hopefully, it's a one-off and normal service will be resumed (and stay resumed) fairly swiftly thereafter! [...] 

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