Installation Notes for Giocoso 3 on Pop!_OS

System76 is a US laptop and computer manufacturer who have branched out into producing their own Ubuntu-derived operating system, called (with typographical idiocy of the first order!) Pop!_OS. Since it's Ubuntu-derived, it happily runs on non-System76 hardware perfectly well, which is how I was able to install it on my Lenovo laptop and a Proxmox virtual machine without drama.

I installed Giocoso on the live (or "demo", as they call it) version of Pop_OS! 22.04, which ships with a heavily modified version of the Gnome desktop, complete with a kind of Fisher-Price top-coat! The Giocoso installation runs fine and installs everything it should the first time of asking. The desktop launcher will be greyed out and unusable, though:

To fix that, you can just right-click and select the 'Allow launching' menu option. It becomes full-colour and functional after that. You can also use the launcher in the main 'Applications' full-screen menu if you prefer: that needs nothing to make it functional, since it's running in a 'secure' place (the Desktop is not considered secure, apparently).

Giocoso then runs perfectly on Pop!OS:

Even in-terminal graphics work first time of asking!

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