Installation Notes for Giocoso 3 on Tuxedo OS

Tuxedo is a German company that makes physical computers and laptops. They also produce their own variant of Ubuntu to run on those pieces of hardware (that I'd love to own, but cannot afford!): Tuxedo OS. It is an Ubuntu-derivative, but it's a carefully crafted one that (very importantly, in my view) eliminates Ubuntu's own use of snaps to encapsulate packages. Snaps are slow, so not insisting on them as the Ubuntu devs do is a huge bonus. They also use the KDE desktop out-of-the-box, which is another key differentiator from parent-Ubuntu, which uses (these days, at least) Gnome. I cannot stand Gnome as a desktop, so Tuxedo's use of KDE suits me very well.

I installed Tuxedo OS 2 from a 202310131005 ISO, onto a Proxmox virtual machine with 4GB RAM and a 32GB virtual hard disk. The operating system installation was unremarkable -and the Giocoso installation was similarly straightforward. All software dependencies were fetched and installed without a problem, and Giocoso itself functions properly and correctly when eventually launched:

Tuxedo was such a nice platform on which to run Giocoso that I briefly thought about rebuilding my principle music player with it: it's that easy to use. I ended up using Linux Mint Debian Edition, because Tuxedo seemed to have problems talking sensibly to my Topping USB DAC (digital-to-analogue converter), but that's a hardware issue that's probably not common! There was also the fact that, though (in my opinion) hugely improved over vanilla Ubuntu, I prefer to stand with the Debian branch of the family tree: there is, after all these years, something ineffably 'wrong' about the Ubuntu side of the family! But if you wanted a well-behaved Ubuntu derivative to run Giocoso on, there aren't many better than Tuxedo OS.

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